Jennifer McHale, DVM

Jennifer McHale, DVM Services
Rabies vaccination 1 year $10, 3 year $15
DAP 1 year $18, 3 year $25
Bordetella $13
Leptospirosis 4 way $15

Feline 3year RCP $28
Feline rcp/felv combo 1 yr $26
Feline leukemia vaccine  $24

Heartworm test $17
HomeAgain Microchip $36

Dog packages:
#1 Rabies, Da2ppv, bordetella 1 yr $37, 3 yr $49
#2 Pkg #1 + heartworm test 1 yr $53, 3 yr $65
#3 Pkg #2 + Lepto 4 way 1 yr $66, 3 yr $78

Cat package includes:
Rabies, rcp, Felv 1 yr $33, 3 yr $60

Equine coggins $30

Flea and heartworm prevention also available.

To request heartworm or flea prevention refills by mail order, your pet must be our patient and have been seen and weighed by us and have negative test in the past 12 months.
Low Cost Vaccinations is a limited rural veterinary service providing vaccinations, parasite prevention, and microchips to its patients.You must bring your pet to one of the four locations.This is not a home visit service. Dr. McHale does NOT make home visits.

The services available include: