Jennifer McHale, DVM

Jennifer McHale, DVM         Schedule
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the businesses and people that provide clinic locations.  Without these people and businesses, the vaccination clinics would not be possible.

Here is a list of the vaccine clinic locations, dates, and times.  Feel free to visit their businesses and websites.
253 NE 241st Street
Cross City, FL  32628
December 7
January 4, February 1
March 1, April 5, May 3
8:00 am - 10:00 am
(horses arrive 7:30am, please)

210 NE 1st Ave
High Springs, Fl  32643
December 14
January 11, February 8
March 8, April 12
May 10
Dixie Horseman Association
Pampered Paws 
​8:00 am - 10:00 am
Earthwise Pet
14029 W Newberry Rd
Newberry, Fl  32669
December 14
January 11, February 8
March 8, April 12, May 10
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Bell Feed & Farm Supply
1159 South Paris Street
Bell, Fl  32619

December 21
January 25, February 22
March 29, April 26, May 17
9:30am - 12 noon
(horses arrive at 8:30 please)


    Requests for medication refills by mail can be made via this website or by text, however due to delays in postal service it is recommended that medicines be picked up at the vaccine clinics.  Medication refills by mail will be handled on a case by case basis.
Please check this website weekly for schedule updates.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email or text Dr. McHale.  Stay well and stay safe!
Contact Us
When requesting information:

Existing clients: include your first and last name, your phone #,  your pet's name,  as well as the location requested.

NEW clients:  include your first and last name, pet name, and approximate age.  Has your pet had vaccines in the past?  What vaccines and medications are you requesting?